Sunday, March 10, 2013

Too Many Magazines?

Thanks to the Krazy Coupon Lady website I got great deals on a few magazine subscriptions. Well, actually 4 magazine subscriptions. I've never been a magazine subscriber. No, I was one of those checkout line consumers. I'm sure you're familiar with the practice and that paying the newsstand price never pays off.
For example, US Weekly costs $4.99 an issue. These issues print weekly. Every month a loyal checkout line consumer (like me) spends $19.96 + tax toward their habit. I can only imagine the amount of money I've wasted over the years buying my "zone out...don't think about anything" reading material. That is, until I came to my senses and got real. How dumb am I to waste so much money on something I could have purchased at a fraction of the price?
My official diagnosis...LAZINESS. Horrible excuse...but it is the truth. Pathetic right?
Moving on...
After I got my act together I did a little searching on the Internet and found a couple great deals! The best US Weekly subscription. I don't think I paid more than $20 for my entire 52 week subscription. Ah-mazing!
Unfortunately, there is a Debbie Downer side to the story.

As we all know...too much of a good thing isn't great...and that is what this post is about.
The problem...every month I get 7 magazines. Three monthly magazines and 4 weekly magazines.
That is TOO many magazines.
What do you do with all of these magazines?
Where do you store them?
I'm not a pack-rat so I refuse to fill bookshelves, drawers or boxes with old magazines. I feel incredibly guilty even thinking about throwing them out.
What's a magazine loving girl to do?
BRAINSTORM of course!

I came up with 3 categories
1. Share
2. Donate
3. Create
1. Give your magazine subscriptions to friends, relatives or co-workers.
2. Organize a fun party where multiple magazine subscription holders come together and swap favorite articles...the result - more to read at a cheaper price.
Donate your magazines to businesses and/or organizations that would appreciate the free reading material (ex: libraries, hospitals, schools, dentist/doctor offices, automobile service departments, nursing homes and women's shelters).
Pinterest is full of creative magazine DIY projects. Check out my favorite here. Oh...and this one too!
The point is...don't let the life of your
magazine end after one reading.
Share it.
Donate it.
Create with it.



1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the shout-out, Katie! I'm a magazine addict myself. :)
