
Well hello! I am so glad you stopped by!

My name is Katie and I’m a wanna be blogger from way back.
I’ve thought about starting a blog soooo many times…and every time I begin to get creative I get stuck. Well…probably not stuck…more like frustrated. I’m a 33-year-old perfectionist that burns herself out on minor details.

So…here we go again. I’m pushing the frustrations aside and jumping in feet first. Who cares if my blog doesn’t look perfect yet? Who cares if I can’t figure out how to customize this thing? That is what Google search is for, right?

So…what to blog about? I read that you should blog about what excites you…your passions…etc. I thought long and hard about this. I realized that being thoughtful is one of my strengths and something that makes me smile. I always seem to be thinking of ways to brighten someone’s day (I thrive on it)…and so…the idea was born. However...I soon realized that I have other passions too and decided to expand my blog into more than just thoughtfulness. You can click on the "Thoughtfulolgy" tab to read past entries.

Stop by to learn ways to be thoughtful (to others, yourself, animals, the environment...nothing if off limits), crafty ideas, yummy recipes to try or just to visit and see what is going on!

1 comment:

  1. Love this so much! This is such a great idea for a blog, (and different than any blog I've seen before)! :)
