
The Sanitation Engineer/Sanitation Worker (AKA: Garbageman) - A simple way to help your garbageman out...everyday changes that can make someone's job easier!

Christmas Lights & Thoughtfulness - A family friendly activity that will spread joy!

Why being thoughtful means putting yourself out there - Thoughts on thoughtfulness.

Gather School Supplies in December (Donation Opportunity) - Deals are among us that can help those in on the look out!

Create a card for a senior citizen - Be creative and help make a difference!

Did You Know - Operation Photo Rescue - Help save memories!

Celebrate Your Birthday by Giving - It is better to give on your birthday than receive!

Did You Know - Go Fund Me - Fund a persons need or dream!

Re-purpose + Valentine's Day + Making a Difference - Think outside the box and good things happen.

When it snows...birds go hungry! - Feed birds and get a little entertainment too!

     Follow-up: Follow Up: The Bird Feeders

Re-write the Ending! - You have more power than you realize.

Too Many Magazines? - Share before you trash!

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