Saturday, March 9, 2013

Follow Up: The Bird Feeders

What's good about talking about feeding birds if you don't have a proper bird feeder? Read on if you know what I'm talking about. If you haven't got a clue check out When it Snows Birds Go Hungry. It will make sense.

To keep good on my promise of keeping the neighborhood birds plump I set out to find bird feeders.

Being new to feeding birds made me want to make sure I didn't go overboard and splurge on a ridiculously cute and expensive bird feeder. So where do you go when you need something inexpensive? Walmart, of course.

I found two bird feeders that were about $6.00 each (+ the cost of the stand). That is the perfect price because, let's get real here, the houses are going to be exposed to the outside conditions. I live in Missouri. That means wind, rain, snow, tornadoes, humidity, etc. We are not wasting money in this category. Plus, one day after setting up the feeders birds had already poo'd on them. Go figure.

Birds are stopping by left and right to grab a bite to eat. The only party foul we had was after I re-filled the red bird feeder. I didn't push the slider thingy down to secure the roof. So, the bird feeder's roof was tilted off allowing for quite a bit of rain and sleet to contaminate my clean bird seed. Grrrrr! Oh and learn, right?

The next goal...learn about freakin' birds. I'm sad to report that we've had many birds come visit...but the only ones I can identify are the cardinals. Yes...the bright red...obvious to the eye...St. Louis baseball mascot birds. Who can shout PATHETIC the loudest?

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