Friday, December 21, 2012

Gather School Supplies in December (Donation Opportunity)

I know you've taken the time to donate to Toys for Tots, given money to the Salvation Army bell ringers and donated gently used or new items to local people/pets in need...but have you thought about picking up school supplies to donate to children who can't afford them?

Yes, I is December and I'm talking about next August. Hear me out.

Being thoughtful can be overwhelming. You have the best intentions of helping as many people as you can, but sometimes the bank account can't handle all of the goodness you'd like to spread.


I was at my local Office Depot two weeks ago and stumbled upon their clearance area.

Wowza! It was exciting!

Look what I found...

What really excited me was knowing that I would be able to make a difference in 10 little kids lives next school year and pay next to nothing.

I combined each of the items to create a "set." My total cost per set and total spent was...(drum roll please...)

Yes, that is correct. I bought 10 binders, 10 calculators, 10 rulers and 10 pencil pouches for $10.70.
Want to know what is crazy...if I would have purchased all of the items at regular price I would have spent $129.60 (not including tax).
The lesson here is to practice awareness and think about how you can be thoughtful...even if the particular thoughtful idea is not in season.


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